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Tuesday, April 08, 2008


So lately Parker has been asking a lot of questions, questions that I was hoping would not be asked until he was five or six. Yes those kind of questions! He wants to know why he has one and what it is used for, and why is there a lot more skin on the bottom and not on the top. Where the heck is he getting these things?!!! So I told him it is for going potty and explained the whole process of drinking and it going through our bodies in hopes that he would take that and be happy with the answer. Boy was I wrong!! So I continued and I explained the process of circumcision, the religious aspect of it and the cleanliness, stuff that I thought would be way over his head. Once again I was wrong. Maybe I went a little to far, because he started asking about mamas. That's when I said it is different then yours and I will explain more later and gave him some fake teeth to play with so he would focus on something else. So his new thing is going potty and saying we don't drink our pee-pee or poo-poo. I guess it's good that he knows this since I never thought to tell him that at any point in the potty training process. Who would think to tell their child something like that?

Anyways I am taking Ryder to get his six month pictures and we are doing a family photo as well. The best place that I have found is kiddie kandids. Mackley photography is to expensive and Skylars aunt used to be Mackleys business partner, she is the one that did all of our wedding stuff. When we first had Parker she told us that we can go to Idaho falls anytime and she will take pictures in her studio. We ended up doing it when Parker was first born and got tons of awesome pictures, but have not been back since. I really want to take the boys up there. So I guess my question is have you guys found a good places in Logan that works well with kids (like Parker)? If so let me know.


The Robbins said...

Um, I have just gone to JCPenney with Ryker since he's been older, and for his one year pic, I didn't like the lady who did the pics-cause she was so hurried-but the pics turned out good. And when we got Ryker's done 3 months ago, I really liked the lady who took the pics-she was patient, creative, pics turned out good I think (as you've seen on myspace), and then this last time I just went with Kate, i had two people, one who was training and didn't dare make noises to the kids to get them to smile and didn't seem very creative, and the other was TOO noisy for Kate, she just let lose and was so loud and constantly make noises that Kate was like "WOAH!" Kate did better when she had to leave the room and so I just got Kate to smile. So anyways, this is really long, but I guess the people are just hit and miss, but thankfully all my pics have turned out cute.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I am SOOOOOO glad Parker knows not to drink his pee. haha, Seriously funny!! I ONLY ONLY ONLY like kiddie kandids. Yeah, you know that. Kisses to the kids.

Anonymous said...

I have to say your aunt up in IF is the best at taking pictures. By the way I happened to come across this, and your boys are way cute!

Your other aunt in Layton! :)

Anderson said...

I got on here today and "Somewhere over the rainbow" started playing. I love that song! Thanks Dez