Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 13, 2008



One Month Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

You are a chunk! From the stats that we have gotten back from all the Dr.'s appointments and well-checks Ryder has been taller and thinner then Parker every time, but not by much.

So I received a letter in the mail yesterday from the speech therapist telling me if Parker was approved or not. Right as I was reading the letter she called me so we went through it together. He did not qualify in every way. However she thought that he could really benefit from it so she convinced the bored member to let him try it out. WAHOO! I was so happy. The speech lady comes twice a month for an hour until he is three. Then once he is three he will actually go to the elementary school twice a week until he either starts kindergarten, or no longer need therapy.

I think this will be so good for Parker, he will learn not just about speech but about the way school works altogether before he is just thrown into kindergarten. I'm sure pre-school will help as well. Parker also goes once a week to USU behavior management, I really hope that we can find ways to help him and ways to help us without medication. Skylar's fifteen year old brother has been on meds for the same reason since first grade. Sometimes you can really tell when he has taken or not taken the meds. I definitely plan to stick it out without the drugs.

I am struggling with Ryder! He is such a good baby I am truly blessed, however he can't even make it two hours without a bottle! I Make him go three and he is not a happy guy about it. He has been eating rice cereal and bananas for a little bit and he drinks five ounces in his bottle. It was six but he was spitting it up. He does not sleep through the night! He is just like Parker was, he loves his food(Skylar was this way as a baby).

we have been going to Tooele on the weekends to help my parents get their "apartment" done. It's nice, they pay for gas and hotel, and most of the time food unless we insist we pay.

Autum is so ready to have this baby, she is due sometime in April but like me has never carried full term. I am so excited that she is having a boy so he and Ryder can be close.

I have resumed my old hobby of genealogy. My paternal grandma was a genealogy junky and she has hundreds of hand written books that my uncle has kept since her death in 1998. I want them so bad, even if he would just let me borrow them and make copies that would be so awesome. I really want to get the temple work done for the people in my family that need it. But without all the correct info I can't submit the names. The Internet is no help everyone has submitted names to the website with all different dates for births and deaths and so on. My grandmother was very meticulous about her work and I know that those books are what I need. The only problem is my uncle will not let anyone see the books! So they sit at his house collecting dust.

He will not lay down in his swing anymore!

I went to check on Parker in the middle of the night and found this.

Ryder loves to take a bath in this, especially with Parker.

He always eats his toes.

Parker helping mom to the dishes.


Ali said...

What a cute idea taking his picture with a bear every month so you can see how he grows!! He is adorable!