Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 07, 2008


So on Sunday while at Skylars grandmas house in Franklin Idaho, Parker and one of his cousins Conner were bouncing two basketballs next to the new patio that was just put in. We had told them that they were to stay on this patch of patio to play. We went back to talking when we all looked towards the road. What caught are attention was a Semi truck going way to fast down a not so busy street. Then I went numb when everyone jumped up and started screaming, I had no idea what was going on. The numbness made my eyes go blurry when I realized Parker was headed toward the semi in an attempt to retreve the basketball that had rolled into the road. the semi did not slow even a little. Skylars grandma screamed for Parker to stopped as the basketball was hit by the Semi..Parker was inches away. He could have reached out and touched the big rig. The semi drove right on by. Parker had listened and stopped right before getting hit. I wanted to throw up! I have never experienced anything like this in my life. The truck driver came back by about an hour later after more family had come to visit. Skylars grandma was so upset she was telling everyone what had happened. A few minutes later the semi again driving way to fast started to come back by, a few of skylars uncles and his grandma started screaming at him and they ran out to the road to stop him. Skys grandma told the driver that he almost killed her three year old grandson, that he was going way to fast, and wasn't even looking at the road. this is a small town so everyone new once the truck was stopped the driver. She told him to slow down. He was upset at the fact that she was telling him to slow down so he put the truck in gear and slammed on the gas almost running skylars grandma over. I am still shaking! Skylars dad owns a semi trucking company and Sky works for him, so we are around semis a lot. But They have never seemed so big until I saw Parker standing in front of a moving one. Semi trucks won't hurt you, they will kill you. the patio is placed far from the road, I know that Parker is fast but it really was less then a few seconds and he could have been gone. Parker knows not to go into the road but he is only three. So we obviously turned it into a lesson for him. He wasn't even scared it didn't faze him in anyway when that truck drove by. What am I going to do with this kid?!


hofelingsblog said...

OMG Dezi Scary!! But Parker looks o so innocent in that picture!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he is safe and doing well. That is quite scary, poor little guy.

The Robbins said...

I would be sooo mad at that truck driver if thats what he did when we stopped him to talk to him, oh man. And I can't imagine what Russ would have said to him...all I can say is, thank your heavenly father for watching over Parker that day!

Ali said...

Holy Crap!!! That is the scariest thing ever! And what a jerk too!! People really suck sometimes!

Amy Johnson said...

Yikes!!! That is so scary!!! Now that I'm a mom I get so mad when people drive too fast. I never even noticed before but now it's like I have a built in radar detector! I'm so glad Parker is ok!!!

Anderson said...

Wow, Dezi. That gives me chills. Glad he is safe.

Amber said...

I would have thrown up! That's so crazy. I'm so glad that Parker was ok. Did he have a "How's my driving?" sticker? I would have been all over that guy!!