Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 11, 2008


The Robbins tagged me and here are the rules: The rules of this game are that each player answers the following questions about themselves. At the end of this post, I will tag 5 people and post their names, then go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read my blog. Here it goes.....

10 YEARS AGO: I was 14 years old attending Taylorsville High School as. AHHHH.. I thought high school was a lot of fun. At the same time looking back at old pictures I can’t believe I was allowed to leave the house looking like I did!!

1. Clean the house.
2. Excersice (I do this 3x a week for an hour! I force my self to.)
3. Figure out where the heck my W2 is!!
4. Order Parker’s Easter present. (making sure it's here on time)
5. Play with my boy’s

SNACKS I ENJOY: Milky-Way candy bar, um I’m not a big snacker.

THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WERE SUDDENLY MADE A BILLIONAIRE: Well I definitely would hire a financial advisor, I would pay 10% to tithing, Pay all the bills off, move to a bigger house, put a lot into savings accounts for my children, invest, buy some toys, and like Mer was saying live off the interest.
I asked Sky this question and he said that he would still work for sure, he is just that kind of guy.

1. Not keeping goals ( I keep most but some I struggle with)
2. Losing my patience to soon (Having Ryder has really helped me with this)
3. Not being able to leave the house till it's perfectly clean

PLACES I HAVE LIVED:Utah; Taylorsville, Logan. Preston Idaho

JOBS I HAVE HAD: Pizza maker at Papa Murphy's, customer service rep at Best Buy, Convergys, Cleaner @ USU, babysitting, Domestic Goddess(mother).

THINGS PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME: I want to be a make-up artist, I would love to work in excersice science, I am really scared to get old!!

And there you have it. Although there is one problem, I only really know two people that have blogspots and they have both already been tagged. So I guess if I get more friends I can TAG them later.
More friends who am I kidding.....